Bed Bug Control for Silicon Valley Homes

Bed Bug Control Services

Pest protection plan graphic from Thrasher Termite & Pest Control
Pest Prevention graphic Thrasher Termite & Pest Control
Pest damage repair graphic for structural, floors, and baths

Common Signs of Bed Bugs

Bed bug bites tend to be found in groups of three on the face, neck, arms, and sides of the back. Everybody reacts differently to bed bug bites. Welts can be very large, or small, but usually itch. With certain people, a bed bug bite may not appear directly after the bug feeds or possibly not appear at all. Some people experience a delay of up to 14 days between being bitten by a bed bug and an onset of symptoms. Additionally, 30% of people experience no symptoms at all. Do not expect everyone in the household to experience itchy bed bug bites. It is not unusual for one bed partner to have a reaction to bed bug bites and the other partner to have no symptoms at all–despite the fact that both people are being bitten!

The thought of an insect feeding on your blood while you sleep is psychologically traumatizing and may make people desperate. Don’t combat bed bugs alone. Thrasher uses proven methods of bed bug control.

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